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The Campaign - Our Core Values 

We stand 

Together in solidarity 

LGBT+ and Muslim Communities 

Opposed to prejudice 

Our Values 

We are fully opposed to the use of LGBT+ rights to justify Islamophobia. The representation of Islam as more homophobic than any other religion is false and amounts to an excuse for racism.

  1. We will join hands with our siblings in all strands of the Muslim community at every opportunity to fight Islamophobia, racism, oppression, and austerity.

  2. We reject the political and media narrative which tars the Muslim community as ‘the enemy within’.

  3. We oppose the implementation of the ‘Prevent’ strategy, without exception. The rhetoric of Section 28 sought to cast LGBT people as responsible for HIV/Aids. Prevent seeks to cast Muslims as ‘extremists’.

  4. We will not let the Tory rhetoric around minority communities and migrants inform our opinions on struggling national services such as the NHS. We reject scapegoating austerity as the solution to failing public services. 

  5. We stand united with our siblings in the Muslim community. Where there is Islamophobia, our banner will be there.

Our History


Lsbians & Gay men Support the Miners (LGSM) forms in solidarity with striking miners


Members of LGSM come together with LGBT+ individuals to form LGBT+ Against Islamophobia

June 2016 

LGBT+ AI has its official campaign launch in London

LGBT+ Against Islamophobia was formed in the summer of 2015 by a small group of LGBT+ socialists, including former members of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners. We felt that the media and government projection of the Muslim community marked them out as 'the new striking miners' - "the enemy within", "a community within a community", "threatening the fabric of society." etc.


With a new Tory government instigating overtly anti-Muslim policies, such as the Prevent strategy, and failing to tackle the 'refugee crisis', whilst discriminating against predominantly Muslim refugees coming from Syria and Afghanistan, the group felt that the experience of Muslims in Britain reflected how they had been treated during the '70s and '80s - when the government and media turned its back on the AIDS crisis until the damage had already been done, and imposed Section 28 to further quash LGBT+ inclusivity. 


We are sick and tired of the Government using 'Muslim homophobia' to drive a wedge between the LGBT+ and Muslim communities, in a bid to win over the LGBT+ community to their lies of immigration and community alienation being the drivers for austerity. As socialists, we believe that it is government cuts and selfish prioritisation, as well as privatisation, which drive Austerity.


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